Nashville area cap and gown graduation pictures.
I know this isn't how the class of 2020 expected their senior year to go, but that doesn't mean there isn't reason to celebrate. Graduations are cancelled, but ya'll have worked SO hard to get this far and it's only right to give you the send off you deserve.
The squad and I got together to do their official Cap & Gown Photoshoot...
1) To celebrate their graduation
2) To have cute pics for their graduation party invites
3) Because it was a way to celebrate being able to leave the house!

Being able to see the senior squad made my heart so full, even if we still weren't allowed to hug.
Allison is part Cherokee and her grandmother hand maid her stoll with her name in Cherokee...how cool and unique is that?!
Olivia's graduation was officially cancelled, but they can't stop her from commemorating her year with cap and gown pictures.

Fun fact: Allison was named 'most school spirited' at her school and made these awesome overalls to represent her high school. So cool!!

Olivia represented her high school with a school t-shirt- so cute!

You know Allison and Olivia are going to stay good friends through college...they have so much fun together.

Hats off to a great year and congratulations squad! You earned it and I'm so proud of you!

Class of 2020: Looking to take graduation photos to celebrate your year? Let's do it! Click here for more info on Senior Portraits and Graduation Pics in the Nashville & Middle Tennessee Area.
#seniorportraits #nashvilleseniorportaits #graduationphotos #graduationpics #2020graduation #classof2020 #capandgownpictures #capandgownphotos